Easy Korean

Learn Korean Numbers in 30 minutes while playing very simple game!

The game was made using special learning method, which will make it very easy to learn Korean Numbers.

All you need is to play this game for 30 minutes to get basic Korean Numbers.

Or 20 minutes of playing every day and after a week you will have a background knowledge of Korean Numbers.


Learn more why you should get a full version of the game

Day mode

White screen app design mode.

Night mode

Black screen app design mode.

Easy game

Easy to use, intuitive game.

Fast learning method

Only 30 minutes needed.

Sino numbers

Full set of Sino Korean numbers.

Native numbers

Full set of Native Korean numbers.

0 - 10

Set of numbers from 0 to 10.


Set of tens (10,20,30...).


See how the game looks like

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